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10 Tiny Habits to Keep Your House Organized

Jul 30

3 min read




Every time I go to a client’s home for organization, the most common question they ask is, “Do you feel like doing housework at home after working here? How do you keep your own home organized?”

It seems that many people are really troubled by the tediousness of housework and always seek empathy from others.

Over my eight years of experience in organizing, I’ve developed some micro habits that I’d like to share, hoping they help you stop dreading housework and have more time and space to do what you truly enjoy.

1. Tidy Up the Bedroom 30 Minutes After Waking Up

After waking up, open the windows to air out the room, wash up, cook, and eat breakfast. This usually takes about 30 minutes. Then, pick up hair, straighten pillows, smooth out the bed sheets, fold the blankets, wipe down the nightstand, and clean the bedroom floor. A tidy bedroom welcomes you back in the evening as a cozy haven.

2. Put Things Back in Their Place Immediately

In daily life, you might find yourself unable to locate the scissors you just used yesterday. You could spend an hour searching the house and still not find them, getting frustrated in the process.

By designating fixed storage places for items and returning them promptly after use, you can avoid such situations.

In the summer, when I help clients organize, I often ask which clothes they wear frequently. Embarrassed, they usually admit that they’re all on the balcony. This happens because many people prefer washing and hanging clothes over folding and storing them. If you take a moment each day to put your clothes back in the wardrobe, which takes only 10-20 minutes, you’ll spend less time than you do on your phone.

In the wardrobe, hang clothes whenever possible. Only underwear and socks need to be folded or rolled as long as you can easily find them later.

3. Clean as You Cook

While cooking, clean up as you go. For instance, throw away unwanted vegetable parts while washing them, clean the knife and cutting board after use, put condiments back in their place after cooking, and wipe the stovetop while it’s still warm.

By developing this habit, you’ll find that a monthly deep clean is all the kitchen needs to stay tidy with minimal daily maintenance.

4. Do Tasks That Take Less Than Two Minutes Immediately

Handle small tasks immediately. For example, if you bring packages home, unpack them right away and dispose of the packaging. Clean up crumbs from the table right after a meal. Many such tasks around the house shouldn’t be delayed. Doing them right away prevents small issues from piling up into big problems.

5. Keep Surfaces Clear

Maintaining minimal items on surfaces such as the coffee table, dining table, sink, and kitchen counter is a key aspect of creating a tidy and organized living space. By limiting the number of items on these surfaces to just one of each, you not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the room but also make cleaning and tidying up much easier and more efficient.

6. Regularly Declutter

Regularly declutter to keep up with life changes. People tend to accumulate items over time, making their homes feel smaller.

7. Shop As Needed

Before shopping, consider whether you already have similar items at home. Check your home before heading to the store. If you can’t remember what you have, it might be time for a thorough home organization.

8. Follow a One In, One Out Rule

When it comes to managing consumable items, implementing the one in, one out rule can be a highly effective strategy. This rule simply means that for every new consumable item you bring into your space, you should aim to use up or get rid of an existing one. By adhering to this principle, you can prevent unnecessary accumulation of items and avoid the common issue of storage headaches.

9. Take Out the Trash Regularly

Never let trash sit overnight, especially in hot weather. Similarly, clear out emotional clutter regularly to maintain a healthy mental state.

10. Act Immediately, Don’t Procrastinate

It is crucial to emphasize the importance of taking immediate action without succumbing to procrastination. Procrastination often leads to missed opportunities, increased stress, and a sense of unfulfillment. By acting promptly, you demonstrate decisiveness and a proactive approach towards achieving your goals. This mindset not only helps in tackling tasks efficiently but also cultivates a sense of discipline and productivity.

Managing housework efficiently is crucial for maintaining a tidy and organized living space. By implementing a structured approach, you can streamline your household chores and make the process more manageable. One effective method is to create a daily or weekly cleaning schedule that outlines specific tasks to be completed each day. This way, you can break down the workload into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Jul 30

3 min read





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